As women entrepreneurs set out to launch their start-ups or new business, the ability to have an edge over competition or for existing women entrepreneurs to excel in their business comes with new learning’s & building their capacities in different areas of business & entrepreneurship.

         MAWE –recognizes this need & facilitates all kinds of trainings & overseas programs for women entrepreneurship to learn & share.

In TODAYS,  scenario the surge in online trainings & capacity building & knowledge sharing has been phenomenal.

           The specific areas where women need to build capacities amongst many others are – Packaging & Branding, IT Skills, Digital Marketing, Accounting & Book Keeping, Financial Management, Exports, and Computes and so on…

      MAWE organizes these physical & online capacity building programs on regular basis. Also MAWEs partnerships with various international agencies offer many opportunities to members to excel by attending these capacity building sessions, like ITC Geneva through “She Trades Global – 2021” is running a 6 months capacity building classes for which MAWEites qualifying, Similarly through  USAID, UNDP, many such platforms are available to members.

        While a few MAWEites have also qualified for on IIM training programs on  free for 1 year. So MAWE events combined with so many International Partners offers an array of opportunities to MAWEites for Capacity Building.


MAWE (Madhya Pradesh Association of Woman Entrepreneurs) is a registered not-for-profit NGO based in Jabalpur.

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